
Nations Beginner Template

This page is so you can copy and paste this code into the start of a national page for your nation or organization, while useful this code is more of a guide and cannot fit every circumstance perfectly particularly if the nation or organization is particularly esoteric. If you need help you can contact players and staff on the forums or discord. While making your nation, you might wish to store a version on the wiki for cooperative development, either in a personal sandbox or in the Nations directory.

====== Nation/Org Name ======

Intro text.

===== About =====

^  Nation/Org  ^^
^  Nationa Flag  ^^
|  Capital:  |  Planet, City (if applicable)  |
|  Major Species:  |  Large populations  |
|  Minor Species:  |  Small populations  |
|  Official Languages:  |  If applicable  |
|  Currency:  |  Money  |
|  Current Year:  |  Calender year, international or otherwise  |
|  Government Type:  |    |
^  Government Seal  ^^
^  Government symbol if applicable  ^^
|  National Leader:  |    |
^  {{:character:char_template_1b.png|National Leader portrait.}}  ^^
|  Second Leader:  |    |
^  {{:character:char_template_1b.png|National Leader portrait.}}  ^^
|  Date of Establishment:  |  Use International Date  |
|  Approximate Population:  |    |

More detailed description of life within the nation.

==== National Citizens ====
A very brief character creation section discussing the various species that may live in the nation listed as Major and maybe Minor populations, focusing on broad strokes.

=== Average Citizenry ===

Paragraph description of common life in the nation.

__Common National Backgrounds:__

  * **Background 1:** Between 3 and 5 basic common backgrounds that help give flavor to life in the nation.
  * **Background 2:** 
  * **Background 3:** 

=== Dominant Species ===
Small picture or banner if available.

Paragraph description of species and link to species page.

=== Secondary Species ===
Small image or banner.

Paragraph description of spcies living conditions in the nation and a link to species page.

===== Culture =====

A description of the culture on the nation, or cultures, the make up of its cities, religions, art, and other details that may be interesting.

==== Topic of Interest ====

If a particular topic such as religion or cultrual movements require their own section, you can use these to expand on them.

===== Government =====

Description of the type, make-up, and organization of the national government, including important figures and how governance is maintained. Sub-headers can be included for military, police, and other branches of government if required. This can link to a dedicated page if enough information exists.

==== Military/Police/Other ====

Subheaders for prominent government departments. Any of these might have their own page.

===== History =====

An executive summary of the national history, and can link to a larger page if required.

===== Technology and Magic =====

A brief description of the types of tech and magic available from or within the nation, including a list of product pages if applicable.


====== OOC Notes ======

==== Art Credits ====

  * Name of art, artist, and owner.
  • templates/nation_beginner_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/11/23 01:27
  • by jimmy