
Species Template

This is the advanced version of the Species Template without any descirptions, if you would like a more helpful version to guide you through species creation please try out Beginner version.

====== Species Name ======

|  {{:character:blank.png?direct&400|}} |
|  , artwork by  |

  * **Capital:** 
  * **Major Populations:** 
  * **Minor Populations:** 

===== Common Species =====


  * **Common Upbringing No.1:** 
  * **Common Upbringing No.2:** 
  * **Common Upbringing No.3:** 

===== Physiology =====

==== Eyes ====

==== Muscularity ====

==== Diet ====

==== Environment ====

==== Life Cycle ====

===== Culture =====

==== Clothing ====

==== Food ====

==== Language ====

==== Naming ====

^  ^  ^  ^
|  |  |  |

==== Technology and Magic ====

===== History =====

====== OOC ======

===== Art Credits =====

  - ''Character/Picture'', art by ''Artist'', commissioned by ''Owner''.
  • templates/species_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/07 14:53
  • by jimmy