
The Timeline

While every star nation has its own calendar to measure the passage of years, long ago, the galactic community, in a time of peace and cooperation long past, developed and implemented what is now known as the Galactic Standard Calendar, or GSC, a standardized measurement of hours, days, months and years that is recognized and utilized by all major factions as a common time keeping tool in their interaction with each other. This calendar does not replace individual nations own calendars within their own borders.

The GSC is derived from the old Earth calendar, measuring time as the following; a year is made up of 365 twenty-four hour long days.

The Current year in the setting is: 3021 gsc

The Ancients begin collecting the ancestors of what will one day become known as the Konglong from Earth, sampling populations between millions of years. Noticeable gaps in the planets paleontology record.

The Kǒnglóng's world ships reach the furthest edge of the galaxy, and stop to reconsider. They decide to turn back after staring out too long.

Establishment of the Gartagen Union with the unification of their planetary governments and the election of their first Leader.

The Kishargal launch their first manned spacecraft. The light lasts two and a half hours on a ballistic orbit, descending safely.

Establishment of the Constitutional Dominion of Ersetu with the first reigning monarch announcing their dominion.

The populations of half a dozen villages in the foothills of the newly formed nation of “Germany” disappear, news is slow to spread. Two weeks later it leaves the public memory as another nation called “France” declares war.

2018 gsc

Abducted Human colonists, called “The Third Children” are placed on Jord by an unknown alien species. Multiple passenger aircraft recorded as “disappearing” in Earths historical records.

2378 gsc

The UESS Pioneer departs from Earth, the first of a series of deep space colony vessels. She spends several weeks traveling to the jump points a Sol’s nadir before activating her Jump drive. Due to sabotage the jump drive malfunctions, making it appear as if 5 million crew and passengers were obliterated in an instant. All jump drive technology research is set back for years due to public outcry.

The newly refitted UESS Voyager is hijacked by Earth's fleeing Augment populace (who would eventually found the Tai Pan Empire) and jump away to parts unknown.

The UESS Pioneer emerges out of fold space, marking the third arrival of humans into the sector. Stranded in deep space, most of the crew remain in hypersleep as the ship travels on conventional engines towards what will become know as Eden. Emergence of the colony vessel Pioneer from fold space and arrival of the first Humans in this sector of the galaxy. Due to it's fold drive sabotage, the vessel is forced to undergo it's journey to the nearest star system at sub-light with the crew and colonists in hypersleep

The Konglong world ships arrive in what will become known as Sol β and begin to settle the planets with a variety of technologies.

Kǒnglóng's worldships arrive in the system they proceeded to name Sol β.

The colonization of Sol β is completed to Konglong satisfaction, yet some still yearn for the journey, while others wonder who else might be out there with them.

UESS Pioneer colonizes a barren desert world they name Eden, establishing the United Earth colony of Eden on February 5, 2891.

United Earth Colony of Eden and it's growing sphere of influence is established as the Interstellar Alliance in a treaty.

UESS Voyager’s jump drive finally gives out as she arrives in the Liang System The Taianese arrive in the sector and begin to colonize, renaming their base of operations to Liang System, and formally establish the Empire of Tai Pan.

The War of Liang begins as native Elves rally to wipe the Taianese off the planet.

The War of Liang concluded with the destruction of the planet's Node and the surrounding Elvish forces by orbital bombardment.

Liang (Tai Pan) system's organic population is decimated by the emergence of an alien disease.

The first of four Wars of Secession begin on Liang between the elves and taianese. Each time, the combined Elf-Human army forces meet crushing defeat. Some of the humans start to believe that perhaps the elves were the ones that created the bioplague.

The 2nd War of Secession begins.

The 2nd War of Secession ends. The Interstellar Alliance pulls its support of the Rebellion and evacuates its citizens under a ceasefire agreement with Empire of Tai Pan. Any remaining Alliance citizens give up their citizenship and become citizens of Tai Pan. Others continue to fight.

The Emperor of Tai Pan, along with a massive fleet of warships and legions of soldiers on a The Grand Crusade in an attempt to expand to the galactic east; it never returns and his successor - now The Immortal Emperor - takes the eternal throne.

The 3rd War of Secession begins with former Alliance citizens allying with the Elven government against the Tai Pan.

The 3rd War of Secession ends. The Elven government agrees to withdraw into gated cities and become isolationists, signing an agreement of surrender to Tai Pan and vow to never take up arms again.

A insurgent group of Elves and humans make a final effort to Secede from Tai Pan and fail. The 4th and final war of Secession ends with the televised public execution of the insurgent leaders. Though initially planned to be one of their number, Bhelith Blackspear is spared this for reasons unknown.

The Wangdaio Colonies are settled by Taianese settlers that soon take advantage of their distance from the heart of Tai Pan to declare their independence. Meanwhile, the Paradise War occurs, briefly embroiling Tai Pan, the Alliance, and the Gartagen Union in a brief 6 month long war before an armistice and mining deal is struck.

The Wangdiao Colonies go dark and are consumed in civil conflict while Xeno slavers prey on escaping refugees. The first recorded emergences of the Bu Qi appear.

The Wangdiao Colonies' survivors are recovered and evacuated to other systems, and integrated into the Interstellar Alliance or back into Tai Pan.

  • Tai Pan displaces its less desirable population of immigrants and organics to Kowloon Special Political District and grants them the ability to self-govern.
  • A brushfire conflict erupts in Lorani Province led by a Uldani entity calling itself the Black King. A homeless Gartman lies about being a knight and is hired by the local Duke in distress.
  • The crown sends a Herald to investigate the new Azalea Free Company and eventually assists them in being an actual Free Company. The false knight for his bravery and actions, is knighted and lorded as the Duke of Lorani Province after the death of the old duke.
  • Azalea Free Company secures Lorani Province and achieves victory with the defeat of the Black King.
  • Local crime boss, Sorano is made Duke of his province.
  • The Paradise Armistice expires, and an international relations conference is held to resolve several international issues.
  • A mercenary group goes to an ice moon on E-11 and discover an abandoned Heise research vessel containing the missing Prime Minister Ayana Morita and her son, Edmund.
  • Empress Bhelith leads the Azalea Free Company to Gor Gozen to deal with the rising threat of an Atraxian invasion.
  • Empress Bhelith and much of the Azalea Free Company leadership disappears save Knight Commander General Gallve who maintains order and stability of Lorani Province with Local Ranger, Gol in the absence Lord Du Rochon.
  • Shield forces assisted by the forces of Heled manage to drive back the Atraxian invasion.
  • The nation of the Sheffeldan Freehold managed to break through the veil of the old Wangaio colonies and establish limited contact with the great sector.
  • In the absence of Empress Bhelith and uncertainty of the nation, Kotaku system declares independence from the Solarity of Kowloon.
  • The Sheffeldan Freehold makes several attempts to establish diplmoatic links but these attempts either fail or do not gain sufficient interest.
  • The acting Kowloonian Chancellor goes in search of the Empress, after appointing Violet Ran as acting Chancellor.
  • an expatriated Alliance citizen known as “Ishmael” disappears while aboard the freeman flotilla, Sheffeldans strongly suspected.
  • timeline.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/04/18 18:25
  • by gunsight1